



最可靠的体育投注 will review your internal procedures and make recommendations to ensure the efficient and correct calculation of all overheads owed under your joint operating agreements, 生产处理协议, 以及其他管理协议.  Our experience tells us that most operators undercharge one or more types of overhead; you should call us so you can be one of the few that recovers all overhead to which you are contractually entitled. 


最可靠的体育投注 will capably and expertly assist you in verifying that all 扣除 豁免是允许的 are taken, 记录过去错过的扣除和豁免, 并建立一个系统,以确保你只支付你的法律要求.  最可靠的体育投注 keeps up to date on the latest rules and regulations regarding rates, 扣除, 豁免是允许的.  另外, we verify revenues and 扣除 declared for the County or Parish to determine validity of the taxes you paid or abatements filed.


Provisions in gas balancing agreements are as varied as the number of agreements, and our numerous reviews over many years have allowed us to gain a unique and extensive understanding of the different provisions as well as the benefits and challenges of each.  最可靠的体育投注 is the ideal choice to help you design a system to monitor your gas imbalances as a non-operator, or help you design a system to accurately and 有效地 account for gas imbalances when you are an operator.


It is likely there have been many times you needed to enlist temporary resources to solve specific problems and did not know who could provide the 专业知识 you needed for your specific project.  最可靠的体育投注 is who you need to call; our goal is to solve problems, it’s just what we do.  我们也非常重视为您的团队提供合适的人选, so you can finally complete these special projects you have not been able to get done.

随着收购步伐的加快, 性情, 会计制度变更, 员工流动率, 监管要求更改, 还有无数阻碍你前进的障碍, you should join the many companies that understand drawing on 最可靠的体育投注’s experience in handling special projects is the way get that project done correctly, 有效地, 而且是以一种成本效益高的方式. 

从一个项目接一个项目到长期人员配置, 最可靠的体育投注提供知识, 足智多谋, 和经验丰富的人员来帮助您实现您的目标.

  • 石油和天然气会计系统,程序和设置
  • 公司orporate new properties into systems or modify exiting systems to accommodate new properties
  • 气体平衡计算
  • 版税支付设置
  • 管对账
  • 响应操作属性上的异常 
  • 解决异常积压
  • 主持非操作人员审核
  • 进行实物盘存或核对盘存结果
  • 处理业主关系电话/员工“呼叫中心”
  • 共同利益账单收款
  • 共同利益计费处理
  • 全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站应付账款分析


We have assisted many companies and individuals in filing accurate and complete claims for property, 施工风险, 灾难, and hurricane damages by making sure the claims include all eligible costs.  

We thoroughly review contracts and all internal and external documents and expenses generated by you as well as the property’s operator, 如果适用的话, to make sure all costs are correctly classified and quantified in order to maximize your recovery.


Are you confident that all contractually billable costs are charged to non-operators across your different properties and various joint operating agreements?  管理费用帐单是否正确??  所有日常开支都帐单了吗?? 所有收费劳工、雇员和承包商是否都有帐单?

你有资源吗, 专业知识, and time to determine if you are in full compliance with the Accounting Procedures and Operating Agreements?  最可靠的体育投注 has performed thousands of audits and been involved in drafting many of the COPAS model form accounting procedures that likely govern your properties.  从简单的小操作到庞大的复杂操作, 最可靠的体育投注 understands operations and how the governing agreements apply in the myriad of situations because many of our staff have worked for independent and integrated companies.  我们知道什么是合同规定的,什么不是, and we know the common areas where operators routinely undercharge their joint accounts.

如果你最近购置了房产, 正在开发新的业务, 或者只是没有进行可收费性审查, let 最可靠的体育投注 come in and review your internal costs and agreements to ensure you are billing out all contractually eligible costs.


An organized and executed due diligence review is key to successful oil and gas properties and minerals acquisitions. 尽职调查审查有许多方面,包括标题工作, 经营分析, 审查未解决的诉讼和环境问题, 潜在的会计问题. 最可靠的体育投注 can help evaluate a potential transaction by performing cut-off or post-close cost reviews and settlements from a joint venture or “COPAS” standpoint, 审查现有的经营协议和会计程序, 并对悬而未决的合资企业审计债权进行分析.

是操作属性还是非操作属性, understanding the unique language or provisions in an operating agreement or accounting procedure is critical to being able to properly implement the agreements and understand what costs can and cannot be charged. 也, companies need precise and clear language in their Purchase and Sale Agreements (PSA) detailing how certain types of costs should be handled:

  • How are outstanding audit claims to be resolved and which party receives credits?
  • Which party has joint interest billing and revenue audit rights for the pre-effective date period?
  • Is the PSA language clear enough as to the cut-off dates for costs and revenues?
  • There will likely be transitional accounting performed; is the PSA language clear enough as to the specific dates and time periods each party pays costs and is entitled to revenues?

Other oil and gas acquisition components where 最可靠的体育投注’s experience and 专业知识 can assist:

  • 确保石油和天然气收入实质性地反映实际销售交易.
  • 核实油气产量报告是否与实际产量相符.
  • Determine potential royalty-related liabilities on Federal and states leases.
  • 分析大批量的全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站、附属公司和关联方交易.
  • 审查费用、特许权使用费、租赁付款条款和负债.

Make 最可靠的体育投注 part of your oil and gas acquisitions team to ensure you have the COPAS and joint venture and revenue accounting 专业知识 necessary to effectively execute and implement your acquisition.

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